Thursday, April 3, 2008


Well we watched most of that movie on Enron. I'm not really sure what to think of it yet. I don't typically like films like that because I feel they are too emotional and are likely to over dramatize what happened.

Of course it was a big tragedy. I'm not going to try to take that away. It effected alot of people. It was horrendous.

To me the film had somewhat of a political agenda, which is something I'm not fond of. It's things like that, that keep me away from politics. I never feel like I'm getting the full story. Each side tries to make the other look like the anti Christ. It's hard for me to beleive either side is trying to do something "evil". I honestly just think it's different perspective.

I disagree that it was "overshadowed" I cannot even remember a time before Enron I hear about it so much. Really it's in the news alot. It had a huge impact on the economy. We can't stop hearing about it!

I hear alot of people lately blaming the President for the recession, but I don't really buy that. It's as if most people think the President has this big lever that he pulls and more or less money comes out. Money comes and goes that's just how it is. We have rises and falls. We scramble for straws to make sense of it all. Maybe we can point the finger at so and so. I just dont think the President has as much power as we'd all like to beleive.

we think we'll just put some guy in office and suddenly he does everything we've ever hoped and we're rich and happy again. To me it seems blind to assume that will fix the problem. I dont think the new president republican or democrat will magically just pull us out of the recession. I think it will run its course until it's over. I'd like to talk to people about this kind of topic but it's really hard to find a setting where someone isn't overly charged about it. My family? forget about.

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