Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the home stretch

well school is almost over. On monday I will be turning in an 8 to 10 page report about the expansion project in Grapevine. I've done some research but so far the only thing I have found is that the residents in Grapevine are not very excited about this expansion. I'm not sure I totally understand why. I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to situations like this, I'm pretty neutral.

To me it seems like there is a lot of room for expansion in grapevine and that hotel is nice. I don't really understand what is so upsetting about their being more to do there, but I will do my best to try and see it from both sides. These kinds of topics are a bit of a challenge for me, but we'll see how I feel at the end of the project.

Friday, April 18, 2008

the tipping point..

Well on monday I presented the chapter I read from the tipping point. This has been my favorite book we've read thus far. I really have enjoyed talking about it. It's a very interesting way to look at how to influence change in a positive direction.

I do believe that small things can make a big difference. Ironically the chapter I was given to read was my favorite. I do think that the whole smoking teen problem is more complex than the media tries to make it seem. It is true that cigarettes are seen as cool even by non smokers like me. It is also true I never really had any "cool" friends growing up who smoked and therefore was less likely to try it myself. In fact I didn't try cigarettes until I was well beyond legal age. It never really took and here I am a non smoker. Still I think that by trying them I have become a little more understanding of the appeal they hold.

The majority of teen smoker are just experimenting and wont continue into adulthood. Still a few of these teens will end up being smokers and here is where that gray area appears. Who will become a smoker? The book has a theory that only those who are more strongly affected by nicotine will end up being addicted. So people like me who dont really get any kind of buzz are not likely to make it a habit. Beyond just being affected by it, those affected have to exceed a daily amount that they tend to smoke. It also differs depending on the person. Some will push past this barrier and fall into the addicted smoker category. Surprisingly the process takes a few years. Once again here is another gray area that is hard to define. Only some will push past this area too.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Enron part 2

Once again we watched the Enron movie. I still feel it is overdramatizing the situation. The movie blames pretty much any republican in power they can link the situation in any way to. Big suprise the Democratic representative they get backs them up on this. "Do you beleive it was a republican conspiracy?" "Oh yes!" well duh he's going to say that. It makes him look like such a good guy.

I don't know in addition to the obvious political push, I really had the overdramatization of the "macho" atmosphere. The part of the movie that talks about them being really big fans of motorcross seemed pointless. It shows photage of people on motorcycles doing flips and other dangerous stuff. It's really hard to imagine 40 and 50 years olds doing flips on a motor cycle. Yes it's not really them and I realize that, but still. I don't think it had much to do with anything.

The man with the strippers same thing. Let's not kid our selves a lot of people go to strip clubs, not just evil jerks. It's just one more detail to emberass the guy. It's not really related. It seems cheap and over sensational.

I would rather watch a real documentary without all the emotion and political push to get my facts. I have a hard time taking this movie seriously.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Well we watched most of that movie on Enron. I'm not really sure what to think of it yet. I don't typically like films like that because I feel they are too emotional and are likely to over dramatize what happened.

Of course it was a big tragedy. I'm not going to try to take that away. It effected alot of people. It was horrendous.

To me the film had somewhat of a political agenda, which is something I'm not fond of. It's things like that, that keep me away from politics. I never feel like I'm getting the full story. Each side tries to make the other look like the anti Christ. It's hard for me to beleive either side is trying to do something "evil". I honestly just think it's different perspective.

I disagree that it was "overshadowed" I cannot even remember a time before Enron I hear about it so much. Really it's in the news alot. It had a huge impact on the economy. We can't stop hearing about it!

I hear alot of people lately blaming the President for the recession, but I don't really buy that. It's as if most people think the President has this big lever that he pulls and more or less money comes out. Money comes and goes that's just how it is. We have rises and falls. We scramble for straws to make sense of it all. Maybe we can point the finger at so and so. I just dont think the President has as much power as we'd all like to beleive.

we think we'll just put some guy in office and suddenly he does everything we've ever hoped and we're rich and happy again. To me it seems blind to assume that will fix the problem. I dont think the new president republican or democrat will magically just pull us out of the recession. I think it will run its course until it's over. I'd like to talk to people about this kind of topic but it's really hard to find a setting where someone isn't overly charged about it. My family? forget about.